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Welcome to Keith's TRIP Communication Tips!

Keith Renninson • Jan 03, 2021
Hi, I’m Keith Renninson, "The Tenacity Expert" and welcome to my TRIP Tips!  These tips are based on my TRIP Communication System where TRIP is an acronym for: tenacity, resilience, imagination, and purpose. 

Everyone always wants to know: What is tenacity? Like most character traits it's hard to describe.  It's personal.  It's individual, it’s philosophical.  And, like a Supreme Court Justice once said, "I can't describe porn, but I know it when I see it."  With tenacity you know when you feel it, and, once discovered, you will always remember what it feels like. 

Do you remember the first time that you could balance and ride your bicycle?  The next time you got on it you were able to recall that feeling to balance and just pedal. Easy peasy right?  Tenacity is like that.

For me there is a feeling of strength, that I can do this, I just have to push a little harder, stay focused and I'll achieve my goal.  That goal could be overcoming procrastination, or completing a sales pitch, or working out with your trainer regularly. 

Just for a moment, look deeper into your convictions.  How much do you really want your goal?

Do you ever feel that sometimes you "just think you want something"?  Until you are certain that your supposed goal is worth your time and energy and will give you that which you desire, you aren't really committed.  We all feel this way occasionally.

Take time to be quiet with yourself and find clarity in your thoughts and desires.  The clearer you get on your goal the easier it is to understand it and decide if it is truly desired.  Within that quiet time, you may find new ideas to make it better, quicker, or easier.  Ideas come to us at the oddest times.  I have a grease pen & slate that is made for the shower because, you guessed it, my best ideas come in the shower! 

Using these types of things is also a way to be tenacious.  I never want to forget an idea that seems really good at the time because I forgot to write it down.  Same thing goes for the pad and pen on my nightstand.

Being tenacious can take many forms, it doesn’t have to be extremely active, it can be passive, like meditating, getting quiet and letting your thoughts roam.
Helping your clients understand how they need to be tenacious in following their plan and implementing it will benefit you both greatly in the long run. A client’s attitude can run the gamut of happy, sad, angry, confused and even lackluster.  Introduce them to being tenacious while working with you to meet their needs and your relationship will improve dramatically for the better.  It will also help them fight through the tough economic times with their goal firmly in place and tenacity in their game plan.

To engage me to speak to your company or association, you contact me using the "Contact Us" button above.

Thanks a lot for reading, I hope my upcoming TRIP Tips help you in big ways and small or just make you think.

Remember to “take a trip for a lifetime, not a trip of a lifetime”!

In the meantime, be tenacious!


Keith Renninson's Tenacity Blog

Teams using TRIP!
By Keith Renninson 07 Apr, 2023
This is the second in a series of four on team building with TRIP. Remember, in my last blog I shared that it would be performed in reverse with “purpose” first and now we will implement the “imagination” section. Imagination is probably the most fun of the character traits of TRIP. I love it because I can immerse myself in creativity and play!
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